Blog posts

  1. How does weather affect the food prices?

The author Aleksandra is explaining the relationship between weather and food prices. If unexpected weather conditions such as heavy rain, snow storms, and typhoons have happened it will bring bad impacts on crops and food prices. The price of food will get higher and that presses restaurants’ management. Recently, BC was hit by a heavy rain and all food distribution stopped. There was no food at the grocery stores and some local restaurants had to close the store for a few days. Weather is related to people’s lives, and I want you to tell you that food prices are unstable. It depends on the weather.

2. Does the location of restaurants affect their sales?

Hove you ever wondered why so many chain restaurants in Kamloops. There are McDonalds, Tim Hortons, Starbucks, and AW in town. For the restaurants, is it effective to just have 1 restaurants in the city ?because managing a lot of restaurants take higher running costs? I interviewed those kinds of questions to Domino’s pizza’s manager UJ, he is a general manager at domino and is been working at domino for 4 years. He said that location affect the stores’ sales. Domino has 3 stores in Kamloops and the store which is closest to the downtown has the highest sales because of its population and accessibility. Having several stores make higher profits than if the store only has one in town. That’s why domino has 3 stores in town and win variety of customers. I felt like having a lot of restaurants are waste of running costs, but I could know there is an advantage for both restaurants and customers.

3. What kind of impact did COVID bring on local restaurants ?

The author Joel is talking about the impact of COVID on Kamloops’ restaurants. COVID-19 brought a lot of downside effects on Kamloops local restaurants. The restaurants have to spend a lot of time and money to prevent COVID. They have to set an equipment like a plastic barrier and encourage customers to use sanitizer before they entering the stores. Indoor seats were banned last year so out door space became popular and only fully vaccinated people can use dining as of September 13th. Restaurants’ revenue went down and some of the restaurants had to close the store or cut the employees. I didn’t know there were restaurants which actually had to close the store. Most restaurants still keep preventing COVID, I think province government has to notice this issue and help local restaurants for keeping their business.